Pre-2018 News Archive

12-22-17: Brittany is selected as a Michigan Life Sciences fellow, which will support her post-doctoral work at University of Michigan Ann Arbor with Dr. Anna Mapp. Congrats!

11-28-17: Our work from Angewandte Chemie is highlighted in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery News.
11-24-17: Chris’ paper is accepted in Chemical Communications. Congrats!
11-17-17: Bilva Sanaba and Rachel Dverin present posters at the ACS local section meeting. Bilva wins a poster award in the undergraduate division. Great job representing the lab, Bilva and Rachel!
11-07-17: Anita passes her prop exam. Congrats!
10-28-17: Diane presents a poster at the Duke Donor lunch.
10-21-17: Emily receives the Biochemistry Department Service Award. Congratulations!
10-18-17: The lab attends the NC RNA Biology: Tool and Target symposium.
10-11-17: Brittany’s and Jordan’s work is featured on Duke’s research blog!
10-09-17: The lab presents their work at Duke GCC’s Graduate Research Symposium. Anita receives Best Lightning Talk Award. Congrats!
10-16-17: Dr. Sean Piwarski joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome, Sean!
09-06-17: Our work on targeting RNA with small molecules is written up in the Angewandte Chemie article on authors who are Cottrell scholar awardees!
08-31-17: Dr. H is awarded the NIH Maximizing Investigator’s Research (MIRA) Award!
08-15-17: Brittany’s, Jordan’s, and Becca’s paper is published in Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations!
07-27-17: Anita and Sarah receive the Graduate School’s Conference Travel Award. Congratulations!

5-21-17: Brittany presents a poster at the Celebration of Women in Science Research Symposium.
5-20-17: Brittany receives the CCG Research Excellence Student Travel Award from MEDI. Congrats!
5-19-17: Sarah and Chris receive the GAANN fellowship. Congratulations to both!
5-18-17: Anita is awarded the department’s Joe Taylor Adams fellowship for an outstanding graduate student in chemistry. Congrats!
2017-04-28: Angela Liu and Diane Karloff present posters at the WiSE symposium!
2017-04-24: The Hargrove Lab travels to Bethesda, MD to attend the National Cancer Institute’s Conference on RNA Biology.
2017-04-21: Jason Xu presents his research at the Chemistry Majors poster session, and Rebecca Culver presents her poster at the Department of Biology poster session for Graduation with Distinction.
2017-04-20: Aline passes her prelim! Congratulations, PhD Candidate!
2017-04-14: Sarah passes her prelim exam and is officially a PhD candidate! Congratulations!!
2017-04-13: Rebecca Culver, Jason Xu, Diane Karloff and Bilva Sanaba present their research at the URS Visible Thinking poster session.
2017-04-11: Bilva Sanaba receives the Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship to conduct research in the Hargrove Lab for the summer!

2017-03-15: Neeraj’s, Chris’, and Gary’s paper in collaboration with the Al-Hashimi lab is published in MedChemComm! Congratulations!!

2017-02-22: Dr. Hargrove is awarded the Cottrell Scholar Award. Congrats!
2017-02-21: Brittany Morgan receives the Katherine Goodman Stern Fellowship from the Duke Graduate School. Way to go, Brittany!
2017-02-08: Diane Karloff receives the URS independent study grant and Bilva Sanaba is awarded the URS assistantship grant. Congrats to both!
2017-01-31: Jason Xu is awarded the URS grant for his independent study. Congratulations!
2017-01-27: Rebecca Culver receives Duke University’s URS Travel Grant. Congrats!

2017-01-04: The first Hargrove Lab group retreat takes place at the Nasher Museum!

2016-12-08: Chris’, Jordan’s and Gary’s paper is published in JACS! Congratulations!

2016-11-14: Emily passes her prelim. Congrats, Emily!

2016-10-10: Hargrove lab members present posters at the GCC Symposium. Chris wins best poster award. Congrats, Chris!

2016-09-07: Angela Liu and Diane Karloff join the Hargrove Lab for independent study. Welcome!

2016-09-05: Carlos Roble begins independent study in the Hargrove Lab. Welcome, Carlos!

2016-08-29: Adina Jan joins the lab to conduct independent study. Welcome!

2016-08-21: Brittany presents at the National ACS Conference Division of Chemical Health and Safety Awards about building safety culture in the Hargrove Lab!

2016-07-29: Aline becomes a Lew Fellow as part of the CBTE Training program. Congratulations!
2016-06-23: Aline and Dr. Hargrove attend the Structural Biology Related to HIV/AIDS conference at the NIH in Bethesda, MD. Aline presents a poster.
2016-04-22: Dillan presents a poster at the Duke University Chemistry Majors Poster Session.
2016-04-20: Jason and Becca present posters at Duke’s annual Visible Thinking poster session.
2015-03-30: Jason is awarded the Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship to conduct research in the Hargrove lab over the summer.
2016-03-15: Congratulations to Chris for winning first prize at the Supramolecular Chemistry: A Crown and Anchor Approach Poster Session in San Diego!
2016-03-11: Dr. H, Brittany and Chris travel to the ACS National Meeting in San Diego! Brittany and Chris present posters.
2016-2-10: Emily’s and Dr. Hargrove’s review, Biochemical Methods To Investigate lncRNA and the Influence of lncRNA:Protein Complexes on Chromatin, is published in ACS Biochemistry. Congratulations!
2015-12-16: Chemistry graduate students Aline Umuhire Juru and Sarah Wicks join the Hargrove lab! Welcome!
2015-11-03: Brittany passes her propositional exam. Congratulations!
2015-10-10: Hargrove Lab adopts a lemur from the Duke Lemur Center!
2015-10-16: Brittany and Chris present posters at 2015 Symposium on RNA Biology: RNA Tool and Target.
2015-10-15: Brittany presents a poster at the Chapel Hill Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference.
2015-10-12: Anita, Chris, and Emily present posters at the Duke Graduate Chemistry Symposium.
2015-10-12: Brittany gives an oral presentation at the Duke Graduate Chemistry Symposium!
2015-09-23: The Hargrove Lab participates in Science Unders the Stars by teaching kids about density!
2015-09-18: Anita presents a poster at the ACS local conference.
2015-09-02: NCSSM high school junior Akshay Patel begins research in the group!
2015-08-24: Duke undergraduates Jason Xu and Dillan Casanova begin independent study in the Hargrove lab!
2015-08-19: Dr. Hargrove wins the Prostate Cancer Foundation Young Investigator Award!
2015-08-01: Emily is awarded a NIH T32 Ruth L. Kirschstein Training Grant Fellowship as part of the Center for Biomolecular and Tissue Engineering (CBTE). Congratulations, Emily!
2015-07-17: Brittany’s and Dr. Hargrove’s book chapter is now officially published and printed: Morgan, B.S.; Hargrove, A.E. “Chapter 7 Synthetic Receptors for Oligonucleotides and Nucleic Acids.” In Synthetic Receptors for Biomolecules: Design Principles and Applications; Smith, B.D., Ed.; The Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, 2015, p 253.
2015-07-13: Jordan Forte re-joins the lab as a Research Associate. Welcome back, Jordan!
2015-05-28: Queens College undergraduate Rozalina Abramov joins the Hargrove Lab for summer research through the SROP program. Welcome, Roza!
2015-05-12: Brittany is awarded a Burroughs Wellcome Fellowship from the chemistry department. Way to go, Brittany!
2015-05-10: Congratulations Barbara, Jordan, and David on graduation!
2015-05-10: Barbara and Jordan graduate with distinction!
2015-05-06: The Hargrove Lab goes to Glenn High School as part of DNA Day to teach high school students about pharmacogenomics.
2015-05-01: Biochemistry graduate student Emily McFadden officially joins the Hargrove lab!
2015-04-28: Post doc Gary Kapral makes the Duke Research Blog for incorporating virtual reality technology into ePucation:
2015-04-23: Chris passes his prelim!
2015-04-17:Barbara and Jordan present posters at the Duke University Chemistry Majors Poster Session.
2015-04-10: Brittany presents a poster at the Duke Women in Science Symposium
2015-04-01: Rebecca receives the Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship to conduct research in the Hargrove lab for the summer.
2015-03-18: Brittany’s and Dr. Hargrove’s collaborative review with the McCafferty Lab is now online:
Burg, J.M.; Link, J.E.; Morgan, B.S.; Heller, F.J.; Hargrove, A.E.; McCafferty, D.G. “KDM1 Class Flavin-Dependent Protein Lysine Demethylases.” Biopolymers2015, 104, 213-246. DOI: 10.1002/bip.22643
2015-03-11: Hargrove lab goes to DC!  Brittany and Neeraj present posters at the National Cancer Institute Symposium for RNA Biology.
2015-02-19: Brittany and Neeraj receive travel fellowships from the Duke Center of RNA Biology
2015-02-21: The Hargrove Lab participates in Females Excelling More in Math and Science(FEMMES) by teaching middle school aged girls about DNA!
2015-02-01: Dr. H is granted a secondary appointment in the Department of Biochemistry
2015-01-22: Jordan is awarded a second URS grant for independent study!
2014-12-16: Chemistry graduate student Anita Donlic officially joins the Hargrove lab!
2014-12-12: We are certified a Gold-level Duke University Green Lab!
2014-11-07: Barbara,Rebecca, and Jordan present posters at the local ACS conference. Barbara receives first place in the undergraduate division.
2014-11-20: Brittany passes her prelim!
2014-10-20: Brittany presents her work at SBB seminar.
2014-09-23: The Hargrove Lab has a booth at Science Under the Stars to teach participants about DNA!
2014-09-06: Jordan receives a URS grant for his independent study work!
2014-09-01: Gary joins the lab as a postdoc!
2014-08-25: Duke undergraduate David Jones, Rebecca, and Jordan begin independent study in the Hargrove lab
2014-08-01: Rebecca presents a poster at the Genome Science and Policy Summer Research Program Session.
2014-08-01: Jordan presents a poster at the 2014 Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Fellowship Poster Session.
2014-06-23: The Hargrove Lab hosts Duke Action Camp for Girls in Science for a fun filled day of Chemistry!
2014-05-28: Duke undergraduate Rebecca Culver begins research in the Hargrove lab through the IGSP Summer Research Program.
2014-05-26: Duke undergraduate Jordan Forte begins research in the Hargrove lab through a 2014 Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Fellowship.
2014-05-14: Dr H receives the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards from ORAU. (
2014-05-07: The Hargrove lab receives a Collaborative Development Grant from the Center for RNA HIV Studies (NIH):
2014-05-15: Dr. Gary Kapral joins the lab as a Research Technician. Welcome, Gary!
2014-05-01: Dr. Neeraj Patwardhan joins the lab as a postdoc. Welcome, Neeraj!
2014-04-01: Barbara receives the Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship to conduct research in the Hargrove lab for the summer.
2014-01-23: Duke undergraduate Vihasa Govada joins the lab through CHEM 81S
2014-01-09: Duke undergraduate Barbara Blachut joins the Hargrove lab for independent study.
2013-12-16: Chemistry graduate student Chris Eubanks officially joins the Hargrove lab!
2013-10-07: Brittany’s affiliation is official!
2013-09-17: Brittany sets up the first reaction in Hargrove lab space
2013-09-01: Brittany receives an NIH Structural Biology and Biophysics Training Fellowship 
2013-08-28: Duke undergraduate Young Hyun Moon begins independent study in the Hargrove lab
2013-08-01: Hargrove Lab officially opens in the Duke Chemistry Department!
2013-06-14: Chemistry graduate student Brittany Morgan sets up our first reaction with the help of the Therien lab

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